100% interior
Sylvia Leydecker, Dipl.-Eng. bdia AKG
Blumenthalstr. 85
D-50668 Cologne
Tel +49 (0)221. 570 800-0
Responsible for content
Sylvia Leydecker, Dipl.-Eng., Interior Architect bdia AKG
Proprietor of the firm of interior architects 100% interior, founded in 1997.
VAT number
DE 188455750
Information in accordance with Section 5 Telemediengesetz (TMG, or German Telemedia Act)
The title “Interior Architect” was awarded in Germany.
The authoritative regulations under professional law are:
Baukammerngesetz NRW (BauKaG NRW, of Chamber of Construction Act,
North Rhine Westphalia)
Durchführungsverordnung zum Baukammerngesetz (DVO BauKaG NRW, or Implementation Regulation of the Chamber of Construction Act)
Main articles of association of the Chamber of Architects NRW
- Vice President of the BDIA (Bund Deutscher Innenarchitekten, or German Association of Interior ArchitectsMember of the Assembly of Representatives in the AKNW (Architektenkammer Nordrhein-Westfalen, or Chamber of Architects North Rhine Westphalia), as Deputy of the BDIA and also Member of the Committee IA
- Delegate of the BDIA Deutschland to the IFI (International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers)
- Planned in Germany
- DDC (Deutscher Designer Club or German Designer Club)
- AKG (Association of Healthcare Architects of the Society of German Architects BDA)
- Specialist member of the board of medAmbiente
- cc-NanoBioNet
- DV-Nano (Deutscher Verband Nanotechnologie, or German Nanotechnology Association)
- IoN (Institute of Nanotechnology) Scotland
- Förderverein Bundesstiftung Baukultur (Friends of the German Foundation for Building Culture
Conception and design of the website
plankundplank design, Cologne
100% Dissociation
The following applies to any links provided by the website: 100% interior has 0% influence on their content and hereby disassociates itself from these. (Adjudication of Hamburg State Court of 12 May 1998). Sylvia Leydecker makes efforts to ensure the accuracy and topicality of the information made available on this internet presence. Nevertheless errors cannot be ruled out. Therefore Sylvia Leydecker does not accept any guarantee for the topicality, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information made available.
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Sylvia Leydecker, Cologne, Germany
All rights reserved. The text, pictures and graphics are subject to copyright and other protection. It is prohibited to copy, distribute, amend or make accessible to third parties the contents of this website for commercial purposes.