100% interior


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Thursday, 22.05.2025
“The crux about standardization – interior design and innovation”

Lecture Sylvia Leydecker, The next generation of hospital real estate, Drees & Sommer specialist conference, Atrium Hotel, Mainz

Tuesday, 18.03.2025
Guided Tour
drip, drip, drip …

ISH Weltleitmesse für Wasser, Wärme, Luft; 14:00 – 15:30, Halle 3 Ebene 1, D71, Design Plaza, Messe Frankfurt

Monday, 02.09.2024
Speciality conference “Gesundheitsbauten”

Lecture “Safety First – Interiors im Krankenhaus”
Sylvia Leydecker, 100% interior, 3:30-4:00 p.m.

Köln Marriot Hotel
and also digitally with TEAMS via AGPU MEDIA
Wednesday, 26.06.2024
60 Jahre TFI, Aachen

Lecture „Innovative Materialien für die Architektur“
Sylvia Leydecker, 100% interior  5-5:30 p.m.

TFI anniversary celebration, start 1 p.m.
Charlottenburger Allee 41, 52068 Aachen
Wednesday, 17.04.2024
The Festival of the New European Bauhaus
Satellite Ebent Wabi-Sabi – Natural materials as innovative, sustainable materials for architecture and the construction industry

Online Talk (engl.)
Join our online event featuring expert speakers Jacqueline Lemm, Florian Guttenbacher, Susann Reuter, TFI Aachen; Hannes Bäuerle, Raumprobe; last but not least Sylvia Leydecker, 100% interior and an interactive survey with follow-up discussion.

10-11:30 a.m.
Register by sending an email to events@tfi-aachen.de, containing keyword “Wabi-Sabi” – your name
Tuesday, 05.03.2024
Lixil Grohe,
“Wasser als knappe Ressource”
Discussion and expert exchange
at  Architekturzentrum Wien

Lecture Sylvia Leydecker
Az W, Dietmar Steiner Bibliothek,
MuseumsQuartier, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m

Wednesday, 10.01.2024
Heimtextil, messe frankfurt

Interior.Architecture.Hospitality TALK & TOUR by bdia
TALK with Sylvia Leydecker afterwards TOUR
14:30 Uhr, Hall 4 Level 0, B81, Welcome Desk

Thursday, 26.10.2023
Designing the Future
The Circular Design, Building and Construction Summit 2023
initiated by Drees & Sommer

11:00 – 12:00, reality talk, main stage
“Future Fusion – Nachhaltigkeit und Design im Innenraum neu gedacht”

Motorwerk Berlin 25.+26.10.2023

Thursday, 29.06.2023
“Schloss und Container – Innenarchitektur für die Seele”, Lecture

Speciality Congress “die Klinikimmobilie der nächsten Generation”, Mainz

Wednesday, 12pm, 10.05.2023
Designproject door-handle “Sonic Romance”, 100 years Häfele 2023, press conference

Cologne trade fair Interzum, Häfele, hall 7.1

Friday, 28.10.2022
“Smart Soulspace Patientenzimmer “, Live-VR-Presentation of a visionary Patientroom-Concept

“Digital Mood-Management  instead of Plasterboard”

Conference, hospitalconcepts Congress 2022
“Vor uns die Zukunft! Das Krankenhaus von morgen: menschlich, digital, klimagerecht” “The Future ahead of us….”
Berlin  27. – 28.10.2022

Hongkong, 01.10.2022
30th Asia Pacific Interior design Awards

Sylvia Leydecker is Part of the Judging Panel

APIDA aims to recognise outstanding interior design projects and designers, and promote professional standards and ethics among interior design practices.


Monday, 21.02.2022
IFI GAP Design Distinction Awards

A global design competition, IFI’s Design Distinction Awards (IFI DDA) recognize excellence in the design outcome of built projects and completed interiors from across the world.

Thursday, 28.10.2021
Kahuna lounge bench

product design – Kahuna, SMV
in-house exhibition 26.-29.10.2021
SMV Sitz- & Objektmöbel GmbH
Gewerbestr. 18, D-32584 Löhne

Wednesday, 23.06.2021
„SoulSpaces – Präsenz im Hier und Jetzt“, Lecture

specialist congress “die Klinikimmobilie der nächsten Generation”
digital online

Wednesday, 13.01.2021
“Diagnose Inklusion”, Lecture

(catch-up date from 07.05.2020)
Regionalkonferenz zu barrierefreiem und inklusivem Bauen, gemeinsam mit dem Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für die Belange von Menschen mit Behinderungen, Jürgen Dusel; Schwerpunkt Gesundheit
-digital online-

Tuesday, 17.11.2020
IIDA Healthcare Design Award Celebration

100% interior has been selected as a IIDA Healthcare Design Award Hospitals – Psychiatric category award winner. Awards Ceremony taking place virtually on November 17, at 2pm central // 21h deutsche Zeit.


(postponed), 26.05.2020
Highlight-Impuls: „Heimat statt Heim – Interior Design im Care Bereich“

Impulstag Fokus bei Management Konferenz Pflege Plus, Stuttgart

Wednesday, 08.01.2020
“Future Baroque”, Guided Tour englisch

World-Architects Tour, heimtextil Messe, Frankfurt Main

Tuesday, 19.11.2019
“Innenarchitektur im Krankenhaus – Gesundheit für alle von Basic bis Deluxe”, Lecture

Technische Universität Berlin

Tuesday, 22.10.2019
“Innenarchitektur für die Arbeitswelt – warum das wertvoll ist”, Lecture

42. Deutscher Steuerberatertag 2019, Berlin

Wednesday, 26.06.2019
“Wir rocken das – Innenarchitektur im Kontext Markenrollout”, Lecture

Die Klinikimmobilie der nächsten Generation, Fachkongress, The Squaire, Flughafen, Frankfurt am Main

Wednesday, 08.05.2019
“Innenarchitektur – Aufenthaltsqualität für besondere Zielgruppen”, Lecture

VITALK, Villeroy & Boch, Mettlach

Wednesday, 28.11.2018
“Innenarchitektur im Krankenhaus 4.0 – Impulse, Knackpunkte & Zielkonflikte“, Lecture

Event FKT Fachvereinigung Krankenhaustechnik e.V., RheinEnergie, Köln

Thursday, 08.11.2018
Impulsvortrag “Innenarchitektur meets Baukultur“

Ausstellungseröffnung ”Schauen Sie mal! – Innenarchitektur aus Rheinland-Pfalz”, Aula Campus, Hochschule Trier

Thursday, 18.10.2018
“Architecture and Nano – It’s a small world”, Lecture

YouCongres 2018 “Nano to Mega – 5 Scale levels of Innovation”, TU Delft, Netherlands

05.03. to , 06.03.2018
“Patientenzimmer 4.0″, Lecture

Conference Hospital Engineering Trends, HET, International Congress (bilingual German-English), Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule, OTH, Amberg-Weiden

Tuesday, 21.11.2017
“Wohlfühlräume für agile Mitarbeiter – Innenarchitektur für die Arbeitswelt”, Lecture

iafob deutschland, Fexible Office – Die Befreiung der Arbeit, Institut für Arbeitsforschung und Organisation, Munich

Friday, 20.10.2017
“Nanotechnology, Arts, Design and Education”, Session 4 Roundtable

INL Summit 2017, Nanotechnology: The New Economy; Nanotechnology is the continuation of the next chapter in the acceleration of advanced technology and is pointing towards the transformation of the future global economy. International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Theatro Circo, Braga, Portugal

Tuesday, 10.10.2017
“Wie innovative Innenarchitektur der Medizin hilft”, Lecture

Change UKSH, 2. Expertentreffen, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig.Holstein,

Wednesday, 13.09.2017
“Introduction of BDIA Handbook Interior Architecture”, Lecture

BDIA Handbuch Ausstellungseröffnung, Zentrum Baukultur Rheinland-Pfalz, Mainz

Wednesday, 28.06.2017
“Patientenzimmer 4.0″, Lecture

Congress ”Die Klinikimmobilie der nächsten Generation”, Wegweisende Impulse aus der Praxis für eine bessere Ökonomie und Performance, The Squaire, Airport Frankfurt/M.

Donnerstag, 22.06.2017
“Heimat Büro”, Lecture

Wilkhahn Veranstaltungsreihe, pro Office, Bielefeld

Wednesday, 21.06.2017
“Heimat Büro”, Lecture

Wilkhahn Veranstaltungsreihe, bene, Köln

Tuesday, 23.05.2017
“Heimat Büro”, Lecture

Wilkhahn Veranstaltungsreihe, pro office, Mönchengladbach

Friday, 20.01.2017
“Büro – Küche – Wohnzimmer: Alles im Büro”, Lecture

imm cologne, Hall 3.1 D002

Monday, 16.01.2017
“Das Buch und ich – die Innenarchitektin und Buchautorin über ihre Bücher”, Lecture

imm cologne, Book-Lounge, Hall 3.1 D002

Friday, 02.09.2016
“Fitness Booster interior architecture – healthy space”, lecture

SCHÜCO Building Excellence Workshop – Innovative Building “healthy buildings – healthy building, Dusseldorf.

Tuesday, 28.06.2016
“Innenarchitektur nahdran: Rollator – Perlenkette – vier Wände”, Symposium

Event “Zukunft Gutes Wohnen”, CareTRIALOG, St. Marien-Hospital, Cologne

Friday, 24.06.2016
sala architettura berlin no.5, final presentation

sala architettura berlin no.5, Realisation of FAB Architectural Bureau Berlin for Graniti Fiandre, curators und leadership sbca Sally Below + Volker Halbach, key-note: Jürgen Mayer H., Sarotti-Höfe Berlin

Wednesday, 22.06.2016
“Krankenhausbau und Krankenhausausstattung”, 1.1., Moderation

Congress “Die Klinikimmobilie der nächsten Generation – seminal impulse for a better economic and perfomance in practice, The Squaire, Airport Frankfurt a.M.

Wednesday, 08.06.2016
“Top Act Krankenhaus”, Symposium

Expert conference “Gesundheitsbauten – Sicher, modern und nachhaltig”, AGPU Media Group, Dorint Hotel am Heumarkt, Cologne

06.04. bis, 08.04.2016
sala architettura berlin no.4, flexible surfaces, Workshop 3
19.02. to, 22.02.2016
MADEby Summit “Health Care” 2016

MADEby Summit, Thinking about the future of healthcare sector in (Interior)Architecture, Hg. Dr. Dietmar Danner und Red. Christina Dragoi, Hanoi, Vietnam

Wednesday, 20.01.2016
Special Event “Material trends 2016 and their application in interior design”

Event OFF/imm international furniture fair,
Showroom Kinnarps, Cologne

Monday, 18.01.2016
“Healthcare Architecture: Welchen Gestaltungsspielraum erlaubt die Funktionalität?”, Dialog

DOMOTEX Dialogues, talk between Sylvia Leydecker and Alexander Deutschmann/Architekturbüro Nickl & Partner, Hannover

Monday, 30.11.2015
“blue – visions in interior design”, Symposium

Hochschule Niederrhein, University of applied Sciences, department textile and apparel (07), Mönchengladbach

Thursday, 26.11.2015
“Top Act Krankenhaus”, Symposium

Expert conference “Gesundheitsbauten”,
AGUP GmbH, Conventus, Munich

Tuesday, 10.11.2015
Business Women Network Lounge (BWNL), Symposium

Designpost, Köln

Wednesday, 21.10.2015
“Share and Participate in Spaces”, Symposium

Eeum Design Connects, International Design Congress, Gwangju, Korea

Sunday, 28.06.2015
Sunday, 28.06.2015, 12:00-15:00 h nationwide Tag der Architektur/Day of Architecture: Kreftverkehr Wupper-Sieg AG

Open to the public:
Kraftverkehr Wupper-Sieg AG
Freiherr-vom-Stein Straße 1
51379 Leverkusen-Opladen

Wednesday, 24.06.2015
“Krankenhaus Interiors: Branding, Optik und Ende”, Symposium

S/PM, The Clinic Real Estate of the Next Generation – Path-finding ideas and practical impulses for a better economy and performance, 5th Congress
The Squaire, Frankfurt/Main

Thursday, 18.06.2015
“Touch It”, The meaning of haptics in the interior architectonics context, Symposium


Friday, 12.06.2015
“What principals should know about Nanotechnology now”, Seminar

Arc-D.A.CH. Das führende Architeken Forum, Faro, Portugal

Thursday, 22.01.2015
“Corporate Interior” by Sylvia Leydecker, AV Edition, Book Launch

“The Stage”, Hall 2.2, Stand H-06, Booklounge
IMM International Furniture Fair, Cologne

Wednesday, 21.01.2015
The German Look at Design – advanced TEXTILE solutions

by Prof. Ellen Bendt & Prof. Dr. Marina-Elena Wachs, Hochschule Niederrhein
Exhibition at Bikini Haus, LNFA Conceptstore, Berlin

Tuesday, 20.01.2015
„Floorfiller” Guided Tour with Sylvia Leydecker

organized with World-Architects und Stylepark
DOMOTEX, Hanover

Wednesday, 14.01.2015
Exhibition Stand / Special Area „Explosions in the … skai”

in Cooperation with Hornschuch, COR, AIT, xia, Heimtextil 14.01. – 16.01.2015
Foyer between Hall 5.1 und 6.1
Heimtextil Fair, Frankfurt

Tuesday, 02.12.2014
“Architektur und Nano – it’s a small world”, Symposium

6. NRW Nano-Konferenz (01. – 02.12.2014), 4. Session „Architektur & Bauwesen”
Kongresszentrum Westfalenhallen, Dortmund

Wednesday, 26.11.2014
Wednesday, 26.10.2014, Start “Space Shrimps” COR + Sylvia Leydecker on Tour exclusively to sit on at Grohe’s VIP Area

The Sleep Event, London, UK

Tuesday, 21.10.2014
“Corporate Interiors”, Book Launch

Designpost, Cologne

Start: Moday, 20.10.2014
“Competence Centre Space”, Exhibition

Orgatec 2014, Koelnmesse. Cologne

Thursday, 09.10.2014
AIT-Healthcare Summit

AIT-Magazine, Madrid, Spain

Thursday, 02.10.2014
“Tomorrow’s Materials”, Symposium and Panel

WAF World Architecture Festival
Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

Wednesday, 01.10.2014
„Designing for Stress”, Symposium

INSIDE World Festival of Interiors (01. – 03.10.2014),
Marina Bay Sands, Singapur

Tuesday, 01.07.2014
“Krankenhausbau und Krankenhausausstattung”, 1.1., Moderation

Arcadis, The Clinic Real Estate of the Next Generation – Path-finding ideas and practical impulses for a better economy and performance
The Squaire, Frankfurt/Main

Saturday, 28.06. and Sunday, 29.06.2014
nationwide Tag der Architektur/Day of Architecture: Geriatic-Unit

open to the public:
Hospital Maria-Hilf
Am Schönschede 1
59929 Brilon

Saturday, 28.06.2014
INNENarchitektur OFFEN 2014 „Räume gewinnen!”

13 Interior Architecture Offices (BDIA) introduce themselves and we are part of it
Design Post, Köln

Wednesday, 28.05.2014
“Inbetween – Schnittstelle InnenArchitektur und Industrie”, Symposium

Symposium “Architektur – Industrie – Vertrieb”
AIT ArchitekturSalon, Cologne

Tuesday, 27.05.2014
Award Ceremony Architects Partner Award 2013

AIT ArchitekturSalon, Cologne

Thursday, 15.05.2014
“Designing Interior Architecture”, Book Launch

Book Presentation with short lectures and discussion sessions
AIT ArchitekturSalon, Hamburg

Wednesday, 02.04. and Thursday,, 03.04.2014
„Gisela und Willi, Ilse und Paul – Innenarchitektur für Senioren”, Symposium

congress and specialized fair “ZukunftLebensräume – Bauen, Wohnen und Gesundheit im Wandel”
Fairground Forum, Frankfurt/Main

Wednesday, 26.03.2014
„Bauen im Bestand für die Zukunft – smart und lebenswert”, Symposium

Symposium “Innovative Bauplanung I” by Schüco
Hostel, Düsseldorfer Str. 1, Dusseldorf

Thursday, 13.03.2014
“Designing Interior Architecture”, Book Launch

Book Presentation and short lectures with the co-authors Michael Catoir (Studio Catoir)
and Peter Ippolito (Ippolito Fleitz Group)
AIT ArchitekturSalon, Cologne

Tuesday, 18.02.2014
„Lebenswerte Stadt”, Workshop

3. Außenwirtschaftstag Architektur, Planen und Bauen
„Deutsche Kompetenzen für wachsende Städte”
Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin

Thursday, 14.11.2013
Honorific Speech INsider Award 2013 by AIT and Carpet Concept

Award Ceremony Speed-Sketching Andreas Franke
Sancta-Clara-Basement, Cologne

Thursday, 26.09.2013
„Perspektive Innenarchitektur im Krankenhaus”, Symposium

Series of Lectures ”Gesundheitsbau statt Krankenhaus” by DETAIL
German Museum of Architecture, Frankfurt/Main

Thursday, 19.09.2013
„Perspektive Innenarchitektur im Krankenhaus”, Symposium

Series of Lectures “Gesundheitsbau statt Krankenhaus” by DETAIL
Medical Historical Museum, Berlin

Thursday, 05.09.2013
“Designing Interior Architecture”, Book Launch

World Interiors Event 2013,
Effectenbeurszaal, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, NL

Saturday, 29.06. and Sunday, , 30.06.2013
nationwide Tag der Architektur/Day of Architecture: F&S solar concept

open to the public
F&S solar concept
Office Interior
Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 34
53879 Euskirchen

Thursday, 20.06.2013
Interior and Exterior Design, 1.1. Moderation

Arcadis, The Hospital Building of the next Generation – Path-finding Ideas and practical Impulses for a better Economy and Performance
Japan Tower, Frankfurt/Main

Wednesday, 22.05.2013
“Designing Interior Architecture”, Book Launch and Signing Clerkenwell Design Week

Clerkenwell Design Week
adrem / dreamspace gallery
An Essential New Guide For Interior Designers & Architects
London, UK

Thursday, 04.04.2013
„Inbetween Spaces – Interior Architecture (re)used”, Symposium

The Donghia Artist in Residence Lecture,
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Providence, USA

Tuesday, 08.01.2013
„Slash:// Innenarchitektur und Design”, Symposium

Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Wiesbaden,
Lecture Course ”Praxistransfer”, Communications Design

Wednesday, 21.11.2012
Lecture „Wahlleistungsbereiche im Krankenhaus – Innenarchitektur als Flagschiff”

FKT-Congress (Fachvereinigung Krankenhaustechnik), RheinEnergie-Stadion, Cologne

Thursday, 15.11.2012
Lecture „Geliebte Wahlleistung – Feeling is Healing”

AKG event ”Sonder- und Komfortstationen im Krankenhaus”
35. Krankenhaustag, Medica, Düsseldorf

Thursday, 08.11.2012
ArchitektenLunch by objectflor with Sylvia Leydecker

AIT-ArchitekturSalon Cologne, Barthonia Forum, former 4711 Factory

Thursday, 19.10.2012
Lecture „Textile Kicks – Impulse aus der Innenarchitektur”

12. Weberei-Colloquium “Voraussetzungen für gewebte Innovationen”
ITV (Institut für Textil- und Verfahrenstechnik) der Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf, Festhalle Denkendorf, Denkendorf

Wednesday, 12.09.2012
Lecture „Smarte Innenarchitektur – Nanomaterialien für die Hygiene”

FKT-Congress (Fachvereinigung Krankenhaustechnik), Trilux Medical, Arnsberg

Tuesday, 26.06.2012
Lecture „Hygiene 4D”

Arcadis-Congress “Die Klinikimmobilie der nächsten Generation – Wegweisende Impulse aus der Praxis für eine bessere Ökonomie und Performance”
Japan Center, Frankfurt/Main

Saturday 23.06. and Sunday, 24.06.2012
nationwide Tag der Architektur/Day of Architecture

open to the public
Children’s Dentist ”Zahnarium”
Stammen & Partner
Goethestr. 142
41515 Grevenbroich

Monday, 11.06.2012
WDR 5 Lebensart – Hörer im Gespräch, Sylvia Leydecker as an expert in studio, “Umgestaltung der Wohnung”

Radio-Live (Call In)

Saturday, 26.05.2012
WID – World Interiors Day

worldwide Event of IFI – International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers themed “Finding the New in the Old” in collaboration with IAO NRW

Saturday, 26.05.2012
Flower Interiors

26.05. – 24.06.2012
Integrating interior and flowers, our setdesigns cross several decades.
100% interior in Cologne’s Blütenrausch.
within “Innenarchitektur offen (IAO)” – a nationwide event of BDIA (Bund Deutscher Innenarchitekten, or German Association of Interior Architects)

Thursday, 16.02.2012
Lecture ”Nano + Architecture – the Perfect Couple; a Brief Introduction to Nanotechnology in Architecture”

Innovation Workshop „The Smart Building of the Future”,
Institute of Nanotechnology, Newham College of Further Education, London, UK

Wednesday, 23.11.2011
Clean nano – how can nanotechnology in architecture support hygiene in hospitals? Nano-know how, functions and examples.

Interdisciplinary Seminar at Architects Chamber Wiesbaden “New developments inhospital-building”

Wednesday 26.10. to , 29.10.2011
Exhibition Opening 26.10.2011, 17:00 – 20:00 h

Furnituredesign-Prototype “lookalike bench” global:local, a cooperation of DDC (German Designer Club) and Asahikawa Furniture Cooperative, Japan; Fair QUBIQUE at Airport Berlin Tempelhof, Hangar 5 Showroom 3

Saturday, 29.10.2011
BDIA Board Election 2011

Sylvia Leydecker elected as 1. Vice President of BDIA (Union of German Interior Architects/Designers)

Big thank you to all BDIA-members who put trust in me!
Thanks to the Band*

Saturday, 24.09.2011
Workshop: Nano-wallpaper Touching Stardust – innovation for the interior

100% materials at 100% design fair, London

Saturday, 02.07.2011
nationwide Tag der Architektur/Day of Architecture

open to the public,
Clientcenter KWS Kraftverkehr Wupper-Sieg AG
Borsigstr. 18
51381 Leverkusen

Thursday, 12.05.2011
Lecture “Nanotechnology – A Way to Green Hospitals?”

Nohr-Cons Konference om fremtidens sundhedsbyggeri og hospitaler 2011 Logistikflow og drift af fremtidens superhospitaler Kovenhagen, Denmark

Tuesday, 10.05.2011
Lecture “Inbetween – nanomaterials for today”

Materialday, Spring ud y nye materialer, Danish Design Center, Kopenhagen/Denmark

Wednesday, 06.04.2011
Patient Needs and Guest Desires, Lecture ” The patient & care rooms of the future – when antibacterial is no antagonism”

Congress Hospital Build Europe 2011, Conference Patient Hotels, Rehab, Medical Spa and Co.; Nuremberg

Tuesday, 05.04.2011
Design for Efficiency, Lecture “Nanotechnologies – Advantages and Limitations of a Key Technology for the 21st Century”

Congress Hospital Build Europe 2011, Conference 1, Design Build and Upgrade of Healthcare Facilities

Wednesday, 09.03.2011
Nano deluxe – vom Labor in den Markt

Initial Event “Material Kreativ Nutzen”, Focus-line-up Nanocluster Lake Constance, Gewerbemuseum, Winterthur, Switzerland

Sunday, 20.02.2011
TV-Show “Bauen & Wohnen”, ARD

short statements regarding nano and light-emitting concrete http://www.ardmediathek.de/ard/servlet/content/3517136?documentId=6528008

18.01. to , 23.01.2011
global:local Furniture Design “lookalike”

IMM Furniture Fair Cologne, Vernissage “global:local”, in cooperation of DDC (Deutscher Designer Club/German Designer Club) and IFDA (International Furniture Design Fair Asahikawa, Japan) at IMM, Cologne, Hall 3.2, Stand B44-C45 www.project-globallocal.de



Wednesday, 19.01.2011
Moderation Forum 3, “Energy-efficiency and Climate-Control”

Convention “Nanotechnology and Bionic – Hightech in the Construction Business”, Event of Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, BAU 2011, ICM, Munich

Tuesday, 21.12.2010
WDR 5 Lebensart – Hörer im Gespräch, Sylvia Leydecker as an expert in studio, “Zimmer frei – Wenn die Kinder ausziehen”

Radio-Live (Call In)

Saturday, 30.10.2010
Lecture „Mit Nanotechnologie zum Green Hospital – vom Mittelalter in’s Space Age”

Convention hospitalconcepts10, Hotel Novotel, Berlin

Friday, 02.07.2010
Inauguration of Therapygarden and Dementiastation

Otto-Fricke-Krankenhaus, Bad Schwalbach

Thursday, 24.06.2010
Lecture: “ccflex: Die Erfolgsgeschichte eines keramischen Wandbelags”

Veranstaltungsreihe Hessen Nanotech
Material forms Product – Material formt Produkt – Schneller in den Markt mit neuen Werkstoffen; Auftaktkonferenz: „Vom Material zum marktfähigen Produkt – Die Bedeutung der Kreativindustrien für materialbasierte Innovationsprozesse”,
HfG Offenbach

Saturday, 08.05.2010

Nachtprogramm im Innenarchitekturbüro – Kölsch und Sound de luxe. Innenarchitektur offen – a nationwide event of BDIA

Friday, 16.04.2010
„With Nanomaterials towards Green Building”

Conference “Build Green CEE” (Central & Eastern Europe), Central European University, Budapest, Ungarn

23.03.2010 to , 25.03.2010
fair stand InteriorArchitecture

Altenpflege, Lebensräume, Hannover Messe, hall 3, stand c 31, in cooperation with Marzusch Architekten

Wednesday, 24.03.2010
Lecture “New Challenges” Dementia has reached hospitals and interior architecture

Altenpflege, lebensräume impulse, Hannover

02.03.2010 to, 06.03.2010
FutureCare Special Show at CeBIT 2010

under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Health and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology project of IT-Association Bitkom in cooperation with Deutsche Messe CeBit, integrated in TeleHealth, Hannover, Hall 8, C 15

Wednesday, 24.02.2010
Lecture: „Nanomaterialien in Architektur, Innenarchitektur und Design”

Event „Der Einsatz von Nanomaterialien in der Architektur/The Use of Nanomaterials in Architecture“, Clustermanagement Micro-/Nanotechnology,Chamber of Trade, Dortmund

Tuesday, 09.02.2010
Podium „universal design und Herausforderungen für besondere Lebensphasen”

experts forum, universal design live-talk
ZOW, Bad Salzuflen